Welcome to the Coastal Fertility Specialists resident education website. We are all the products of a variety of good educators and want to give back to resident education.
This website is designed to provide you with a mobile friendly set of educational resources to enhance your Reproductive Endocrinology rotation.
Welcome to CFS Resident Education
Coastal Fertility Specialists
Coastal Fertility Specialists is a private practice that is owned and operated by its physicians. We are 100% patient focused and granularly involved in the details of patient care from the incoming new patient call to the follow-up with patients pregnancy outcomes.
This is likely the first and maybe even the last experience you will have with a privately owned healthcare company. For those reasons we encourage you to take it all in, keep your eyes and ears open and look to see ways we might differ.
Resident Rotation Guidelines
We welcome you and are glad you are with us. Over 1/3 of your OBGYN practice will in one form or another involve reproductive endocrinology. This includes contraception discussions, management of the first trimester of pregnancy, infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, menopause, menstrual disorders and much more. We will address as many of those topics with you as possible.
Your rotation will be at our main office located at 1375 Hospital Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC. We start seeing patients at 8am and look forward to seeing you then. Typically the day will end around 4pm. Please rotate equally among the physicians.
The blog on this website has articles, website links and videos that we feel are core to our discipline and hope you will find them helpful.
Residents are Doers
We understand that as residents you are "doers" making things happen at the University and a frequent complaint on our rotation is that you don't "do enough". We hear that but also ask you to view it from the patient's perspective. In the private practice setting these are typically very anxious patients paying for fertility care to be provided by a board certified reproductive endocrinologist. If anything could theoretically comprise their pregnancy rate or increase their miscarriage rate they are not interested. You probably wouldn't be either
Can we teach you to do a good IUI with good pregnancy rates. Yes. These studies have been done and show it will probably take 20 IUIs for you to reach proficiency. You will then rotate off the service and never do another IUI in your life. Another resident will rotate on and the cycle will continue without CFS patients experiencing full proficiency in their IUI success. The same is true for egg retrievals, embryo transfers, etc. If you choose to become a REI the fellowship training will teach these techniques.
What Can You Do
What can we help you with? This maybe one of the only times you can hear new patient and follow-up patient consultations with a variety of different physicians. Just like we all have the surgical skills of a variety of surgeons, hopefully, you can develop good consultation skills from our CFS physicians.
We will also spend time help you improve your transvaginal ultrasound skills and hysteroscopy skills. We will spend time reviewing patient care with you and can provide references for further education. We are open to other forms of training and welcome your patient centered feedback.